We love suggestions, really! We respond to every one, and love to discuss ideas for how we can improve the site and best serve our creators and clients. There are a few ways you can get in touch with us:
Chat Bubble
You can always use the chat bubble on the bottom right hand side of every page. Seriously! That's what it's there for. You can use it to contact us at any point. Go ahead, click it!
Email Us
If you're feeling old fashioned, you can always email us too. We're still around all the time, just go ahead and shoot a message off to support[at]commiss.io!
Say Hey on Discord
We have a Discord server set up for staying in touch with our creators. If you'd like, you're more than welcome to join! It's not only a great way to give and get feedback directly from Commiss.io staff, but you can also work with your fellow creators and get tips and tricks on improving. Join us on Discord!